Google Chrome
Designed 2022, Methods + Mastery Agency
Social Media Content
Storyboard designer for the “Chrome 100” anniversary launch post and additional supplemental content. Designed with the “No Place Like Chrome” look and feel with scrapbook stylization. Released for the 100th update of the Google Chrome browser. As shown on Chrome Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Storyboard In action
Post Analytics:
The announcement around M100 was a top-performer on all channels. The tweet performed above benchmarks for impressions (+107%), total engagements (+306%), and link clicks (+2K%). Similarly, the Facebook and LinkedIn posts saw high impressions and total engagements.
Supplemental content around productivity, accessibility, and privacy and security features did well on Facebook, surpassing benchmarks for impressions, total engagements, and engagement rate.
The productivity post on LinkedIn performed particularly well, above impression (+20%), link click (+23%), and total engagement (+137%) benchmarks.
Final animation/GIF done by Tim Nesmith.

First frame of storyboard featuring the before and after of Chrome's autofill and save features.

Second frame of storyboard featuring Chrome's safety check, safe browsing and other features.